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Information about the Endowed Chair

The Heinz Nixdorf Endowed Chair for Multimedia Technology (MMT) was founded in May 1995 at the Faculty of Computer Science, supported by the 'Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft' and the Heinz-Nixdorf Foundation (or Friedrich-Spee Foundation).

Research at the MMT group is focused on

Research at the MMT group is often carried out in cooperation with industry partners, e.g. within the scope of study, research, pilot and development projects.

In 1998, together with partners form the department of Educational Science and Psychology MMT has initiated the foundation of the interdisciplinary Media Design Center (MDC), a research centre of the Dresden University. Bringing together experts from education, arts and computer science, the MDC aims at promoting the use of multimedia and Internet technologies in academic courses.

As its initiator, MMT has significantly participated in the establishment and coordination of the new master program "Multimedia and Computer Science". Since its foundation in 1999, it has been rapidly evolving to become the department’s most popular study program.